Friday, May 8, 2015

Pressure is on!

My in-laws, non-Mongolian friends, colleagues, even Mongolian readers have been asking me if there is any chance that I would write in English someday. It's time to release the pressure. Here is my first blog in English. 

I thought I would start with some background of my blog or should I say of me. 

Well, if I wanted I could probably write about big Mongolian topics such as society, economy, mining etc. 

I figured that I should write about small but important things that we forget about because of those big topics. 

I simply write about my real life. But there is always a hidden message to be the right human which is my blog's name "I wish we could stay as real human being" . Let me tell you that it sounds much better in Mongolian. See, here is the first reason that I was not so eager to write in English as it is my second language. I'm not saying that my English isn't very good. To be honest, It's pretty damn good!

Even though, I started blogging a little over a year ago, it's not like I started writing overnight. Writing always has been part of my life ever since I could write words. As a matter of fact I used to write poems when I was 9 years old! 

I write true things with some humor in it. 

Here is the deal. I am not going to promise excellent English prose nor comedy. Some of my articles is not translatable as I write with Mongolian mentality to Mongolian mentality unless you convince me that you have versatile mentality like me. So here, do you notice that I like to brag about myself little? I do that a lot in my writing. I can't help it as I mentioned earlier I write brutal honesty. 

That's about it for today. I almost forgot one thing. I keep it short! 

Are you thinking like eh is that it after waiting so long?  And I hear you are a published author! Hold on to your horses before you judge. Try to accept people for who they are without judgment. 

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